Sunday, July 1, 2018

Coming this Week--Epiloque to a Phone Call: WTF Do I Do Now?

In order to keep our readers up to speed, coming in short order this week will be "Epilogue to a Phone Call: WTF Do I Do Now?" Watch for it by Wednesday, July 4, 20018.

    Please note going forward that if life were to take another turn as it did recently for me and you desire faster updates than this blog may be able to provide, you may subscribe to Pinky Penmark Speaks newsletter at and Both of these places allow for brief and more timely updates that do not require a lengthy editing process. Do keep in mind, although, that the focus of Pinky Penmark Blogs is not expected to focus on my life, yet, as it did recently, my life may present a personal topic on occasion upon which I may blog.

Other posts on this subject may also be found on Pinky Penmark Blogs by entering keyword/label Cancer into the search field atop the blog's header.

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