Monday, October 2, 2023


Counting Christmas

I came of age and came out of the closet during the “Decade of  Decadence”. Yes, the 1980s: cocaine, credit cards, bathhouses, designer jeans, Reagan, the gay cancer, the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, Act Up,  fear, persecution, death and more death followed by more death, some more fear and countless funerals that added up so quickly that most of  the gay men I knew felt guilty to be alive. By 1988, we were so  paralyzed by fear and guilt and numbed by cocaine and alcohol that it  took us some years to realize that our communities, our country, our  government, our President and in many cases even our families had  abandoned us because they assumed we would be dead soon anyway. By the  end of the decade more of the gay men I knew were counting Christmases  than were not.

“Counting Christmases” was a phrase my friends and I would use to  differentiate between the people we knew that had the gay cancer and  those of us that were merely waiting to get it. You see, from what we  observed, from the time in between when someone became sick from HIV to  the time they died you could count two Christmases. It was very late in  the decade when I got the news that I had two Christmases left. I was in  the middle of graduating from college, trying to make decisions about  what I wanted to do with my life and trying to first find and then  explore every back alley gay club I heard about when i had to break the  news to my family that i was “counting Christmases” too. I thought to  myself, “I don’t have time for this!” Just locating the gay clubs was a  full time job because none of them had signs in front of them. Randomly  figuring out which unmarked, dusty, back alley, inner city door had a  fabulous Gay Emerald City behind it was no easy task and now I only had  two years left to find every one of them in the world.

So my coming out story never really truly happened. I am sure there was a  huge amount of screaming clues and screaming queens around me that my  parents had to suspect I was gay anyway, so I skipped talking with them  at the time about my sexuality and merely announced during a family  dinner one Friday night that I was counting Christmases. My Mother’s  first reaction is going to seem cold to you, maybe even crass and  self-centered but don’t dwell on it. Her response was fairly typical for  near the end of the 1980s, when admit it out loud or not, most of us  were more focused directly on ourselves and how and if we would survive  until the cavalry (the 1990s) arrived than we were on anything else. So,  she turned to my father and said rather indignantly and with more than a  little disgust, “I told you this was going to happen.”

And that was it. That was the extent of the discussion mostly. We went  back to acting like we were a family that was above having any kinds of  problems and pretended that it wasn’t happening.

The 1990s arrived with many a year’s long haze and the family churned  on. The people I knew were continuing to die and i was just waiting to,  but before I knew it, 1997 rolled around and something in my body that  no one could explain had kept me alive until breakthrough medicines were  discovered and dispensed that offered those of us with HIV/AIDS a new  beginning and many more Christmases.

Those of us who navigated this 15 years in history the best we knew how  at the time were extremely lucky, but there was a cost to us, a loss,  what feels like a great amount of wasted time. Every generation will  indeed have its plight, but i encourage the young people of today to  find a way to embrace the fact that they are living in the best time in  history to be exactly who they are openly and as early as they become  comfortable in their skin. I encourage you to take full advantage of  this, stand up, be exactly who you are and who you want to be, come out  to the world because even though the current world is not without its  problems, I promise you that there will be what feels like a huge coming  out party awaiting you and that you will feel exponentially more alive  when you live your authentic life out of the darkness and in the light  where the world can see exactly how beautiful you are.

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